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Pocket Science Lab Dev Board

PSLab is a small USB powered hardware extension for your Android phone or PC that lets you measure all kinds of things. PSLab comes with a built-in Oscilloscope, Multimeter, Wave Generator, Logic Analyzer, Power Source, and we are constantly adding more digital instruments. PSLab is many devices in one. Simply connect two wires to the relevant pins and start measuring. You can use our Open Source Android or desktop apps to view and collect the data. You can also plug in hundreds of compatible I2C standard sensors to the PSLab pin slots. It works without the need for programming. So, what experiments you do is just limited to your imagination! PSLab is developed by FOSSASIA and OpnTec in collaboration with a global community of Open Source developers.

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What is Pocket Science Lab

All in One Device. PSLab is a small USB powered hardware extension for your Android phone or PC that lets you measure all kinds of things. PSLab comes with a built-in Oscilloscope, Multimeter, Wave Generator, Logic Analyzer, Power Source, and we are constantly adding more digital instruments. PSLab is many devices in one. Simply connect two wires to the relevant pins and start measuring. You can use our Open Source Android or desktop apps to view and collect the data. You can also plug in hundreds of compatible I2C standard sensors to the PSLab pin slots. It works without the need for programming. So, what experiments you do is just limited to your imagination! PSLab is developed by FOSSASIA and OpnTec in collaboration with a global community of Open Source developers.

Who is it for

It can be used by anyone! Teachers, students, hobbyists, scientists, anyone who wants to know what is going around yourself.

What can it do

It can function as a..
Oscilloscope, Multimeter, Logic Analyzer, Wave Generator, Power Source, Accelerometer, Barometer, Compass, Sensors, Luxmeter and many more without the need of programming because we provide it with the software!

Which software can it be used with

Simply use our Open Source PSLab Android app from the app stores or the Python Desktop app to run your experiments.

Hardware Specifications:

  • 4-Channel up to 2MSPS Oscilloscope. Software selectable amplification stages
  • 12-bit Voltmeter with programmable gain. Input ranges from +/-10 mV to +/-16 V
  • 3x 12-bit Programmable voltage sources +/-3.3 V,+/-5V,0-3 V
  • 12-bit Programmable current source. 0-3.3 mA
  • Supports Advanced Plugins/Add-on Modules
  • 4-Channel, 4 MHz, Logic Analyzer
  • 2x Sine/Triangular wave generators. 5 Hz to 5 KHz. Manual amplitude control for SI1
  • 4x PWM generators. 15 nS resolution. Up to 8 MHz
  • Capacitance Measurement. pF to uF range
  • I2C, SPI, UART data buses for Accel/gyros/humidity/temperature modules etc



  • One of the main features of PSLab is the 4-channel Oscilloscope which can monitor analog inputs at maximum of 2 million samples per second. It includes controls such as triggering, and gain selection.

Waveform Generators

  • SI1: 5 Hz – 5 KHz arbitrary waveform generator. Manual amplitude control up to +/-3 Volts
  • SI2: 5 Hz – 5 KHz arbitrary waveform generator. Amplitude of +/-3 Volts. Attainable via software
  • SQx: There are four phase correlated PWM outputs with maximum frequency 32 MHz, 15 nano second duty cycle, and phase difference control.

Measurement Functions

  • Frequency counter tested up to 16 MHz.
  • Capacitance Measurement. pF to uF range
  • PSLab has several 12-bit analog inputs (function as voltmeters) with programmable gains, and maximum ranges varying from +/-5 mV to +/-16 V.

Voltage and Current Sources

  • 12-bit Constant Current source. Maximum current 3.3 mA (subject to load resistance).
  • PSLab has three 12-bit Programmable voltage sources +/-3.3 V,+/-5 V,0-3 V. (PV1, PV2, PV3) controls

Advanced Controls

  • Advanced Controls with Oscilloscope
  • Data Logger
  • Logic Analyzer

Other information

  • 4MHz, 4-channel Logic analyzer with 15 nS resolution.Voltage and Current Sources
  • SPI, I2C, UART outputs
  • Graphical Interfaces for Oscilloscope, Logic Analyser, streaming data, wireless acquisition and several experiments developed that use a common framework which drastically reduces code required to incorporate control and plotting widgets.
  • PSLab also has space for an ESP-12 module for WiFi access with access point/ station mode.

How can it be connected to the phone or PC

Pocket Science Lab is directly powered through the USB connection. It doesn’t need any other external power source. All you need to do is to attach it to the phone via a USB OTG cable if you are using the mobile app or directly to your laptop’s USB port if you are using the desktop app.

What sensors are available

PSLab has digital pins to plug in sensors and extend the functionality even further. The device supports any sensor using the long-established I2C standard. Hundreds of compatible sensors are available on the market. I2C sensors are used widely in consumer and industry devices and for example with Arduino boards. A list of recommended components and sensors is available here.

How to use ESP WiFi and Bluetooth

PSLab has slots for ESP and Bluetooth chips. The functionalities are already implemented in the firmware. Solder the chips to the dedicated slots. For the WiFi functionality also don’t forget to install the relevant packages on the ESP WiFi chip and you are ready to go. Devices can be powered through an external battery when they are accessed through Bluetooth or WiFI. 

Who develops it and how to help

PSLab is developed by FOSSASIA in Singapore and OpnTec in Germany together with a global community. You can join and contribute to the development by collaborating on the Android appdesktop appsfirmware and hardware on GitHub. Please join development if you are developer or learn and promote Open Science and PSLab.

Technical Specifications

Microcontroller PIC24EP256GP204
Operating Voltage +/-3.3V
Input Voltage (recommended) 5-15V
Input Voltage (max. limit) V 20V
I/O pins Analog: 8, Digital: 4
DC current I/O pin 20 mA
DC current 3.3V pin 50 mA
DC current 5.0V pin 250 mA
Clock Speed 12 MHz
USB USB 2.0 Micro B Type
GPIO Connector 2.54 mm Female Headers
UART UART data buses for Accel/gyros/humidity/temperature modules
WiFI ESP8266 WiFi extension slot
Bluetooth Bluetooth extension slot
I2C 8 x I2C Digital pins for sensors
ICSP Programmer PICkit3 compatible programmer slot
Length 101 mm
Width 53 mm
Height 13 mm
Weight 30 g

Part List

1 x Pocket Science Lab


HSCODE 9030900090
USHSCODE 8473301140
EUHSCODE 8473302000



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