Can't find what you are looking for? Try the Fusion Advanced PCB service or send us a message at [email protected] and we will aim to reply within one working day. Please do not leave special requirements on the order form. This is for logistics purposes only and will be ignored during the production stage.
To save on disappointment, please double check your design files for errors in our Online Gerber Viewer or otherwise. We will not be held responsible for errors in the files. Visit the Fusion FAQ for our specification, guides, tips and tricks and important design considerations.
Seeed Fusion's privacy policy protects your data. We will not disclose your personal information or fabrication data with external parties for any purpose other than for the manufacture of your goods. You are of course, welcome to share your designs with the open community in the Fusion Gallery. There, anyone can download your design, modify or manufacture them for their own purposes.
1.The final price and manufacturability depends on our engineer review.
2.We may give you some suggestions to help to control quality and price.