Not Match!

Not match what? If you are a maker with experience on solar power or Lipo battery, then you must know of JST. It’s a type of connector usually applied in battery and power supply modules. We used to the 2.54mm spec as you might know, and we decided to replace the original spec with a more universal spec-2.0mm, so that you can build your project with more degrees of freedom by communicating modules from more stores.

We tend to upgrade our product line step by step, and here come some problems caused by the unmatch between the original and the new generation. One of you was pissed off when he found his effort on connecting sockets and plugs of different specs didn’t pay off at all. And he sent us a letter pouring his wave of anger WITH THIS END:

“Why aren’t all these the same? I am NOT NOT NOT NOT happy!!”

Bro, messages received! The problem pops up not only to your surprise, but also to our surprise. We obviously missed some considerations before the release of the new gen. This is our fault with no doubt, and we are trying to take some measures in a kind of old school way. Hope it ‘s going to be effective.

Here is the list of products probably got involved in this issue. If you bought one of these lately, check your stuff:

1)       Seeeduino Stalker V2.1

2)       Lipo Rider V1.0

3)       Grove – Xbee Carrier V0.9b

4)       Solar Charger Shield V2.0b

If you feel like saying ”DAMN IT”, drop us a letter and we will ship a JST Convertor Pack comprised of one JST 2.54mm socket to JST 2.0mm plug cable and one reverse, for free.

And what if you are on the point of buying one of them? Don’t worry. For now we have already added a convertor pack to each of those products. And before long, all influenced products will be upgraded into new gen radically.

About Author


December 2011