Hey community, we are super excited to announce that XIAO Fritzing parts (9 MCUs in total, XIAO RP2350, XIAO SAMD21, XIAO RP2040, XIAO nRF52840, XIAO nRF52840 Sense, XIAO ESP32C3, XIAO ESP32S3, XIAO ESP32S3 Sense, XIAO ESP32C6) are now available on our GitHub repository! A big shout-out to our amazing contributor, Gokul, for all the hard work and dedication in creating these parts.
One more exciting news to share, the Fritzing Parts for all Seeed Studio XIAO Add-on Accessories are now available too. The compatible plug-and-play accessories include Grove Vision AI Module V2 with Camera, 24GHz mmWave Sensor, XIAO Expansion Board, Grove Shield for XIAO, 6×10 RGB WS2812B LED Matrix for XIAO, CAN Bus Breakout Board, Quectel L76K GNSS Add-On Module, Round Display for XIAO, Grove Smart IR Gesture Sensor, and E-Paper Breakout Board. Thanks again to our contributor Gokul for making this possible. You can download the parts for all the XIAO Accessories here.
What is Fritzing?
Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as creative material for anyone. It is open-source EDA (Electronic Design Automation) software for people who are not engineers, a perfect tool for designers, inventors, hobbyists and educators to create a prototype or even make PCBs. Apart from being a software tool, it’s also a community, and a services provider in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, fostering a creative ecosystem that allows users to document their prototypes, share them with others, and teach electronics in classrooms.

How to Import All XIAO Parts to Fritzing?
Importing the XIAO parts into Fritzing is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:
- Download the Parts Library: Visit our GitHub repository, head to XIAO Boards File, and download the .fzbz file.
- Open Fritzing: Launch the Fritzing application on your computer.
- Import the Library: Go to File > Open… and select the .fzbz file you downloaded.
- Start Using the Parts: The XIAO parts will now be available in your parts library within Fritzing. You can start using them in your designs and projects right away!
Here is also a video tutorial created by Gokul on how to import the XIAO Parts to Fritzing. Check it out:
We are thrilled to see how the community will utilize these new XIAO Fritzing parts in their projects. Currently, Gokul is creating Fritzing parts for all XIAO Accessories, and they will be hosted on GitHub once they are ready too. Please feel free to comment or raise an issue on our GitHub here to let us know which Seeed products you want us to create the Fritzing prat. If you’re a Fritzing expert and want to contribute to creating Fritzing Parts for Seeed Products, you’re invited to join our Contributor Program to contribute!
Seeed Studio Contributor Program
At Seeed Studio, we believe in the power of community and collaboration. Our Contributor Program is designed to engage and reward individuals who contribute to our open-source projects. Whether you’re creating Fritzing parts, writing documentation, or developing new projects, your contributions are highly valued.
By participating in the Contributor Program, you can:
- Gain Recognition: Get acknowledged for your contributions on our platforms.
- Access Exclusive Resources: Receive early access to new products, resources, and even cash rewards.
- Collaborate with Experts: Work alongside industry experts and other passionate makers.
If you’re interested in contributing to our projects, please visit our Contributor Program page for more information on the ongoing projects.
💚Happy Fritzing and thank you in advance for your contribution!
Notes at the end.
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About Author
Nature lover, baker, cook, DIYer, bug hunter in daily life, and wanna code. Love writing. Words are my natural expression.
Could we get Fritzing parts for the WIO Terminal, and the Multigas V2 board ?
Been developing a series of Air Quality monitors based on these parts and need to publish a Fritzing breadboard diagram.
Wish I had this 2 years ago 🙂
We agree this comes late. We’ll keep updating on making more Fritzing Parts available. Are there any specific Seeed Products that you’d love to have Fritzing parts at the moment? Thank you!