Fall In Love With Making: Meet the Maker Mitch Altman
Who are Makers? Makers make things. They are sometimes hackers, or builders, or inventors, or artists, or DIY folks, or just people who like to be creative.

May is for Making! To embrace June, we are going to launch our campaign FALL IN LOVE WITH MAKING. Let’s meet the maker: Mitch Altman!

Mitch loved taking things apart when he was little, especially electronics. He was intrigued by how they worked and learned the science in the process of putting them back together. Gradually he designed his own gadgets. His first project was an intercom sys-+999-tem built with radio amplifiers, for him and his brother to talk while sleeping on the top and bottom of bunked beds. In 2012, he ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to bring NeuroDreamer Sleep Mask to the market.
Mitch’s mother was a teacher and under her influence, Mitch took an interest in teaching electronics as well. He has been teaching around the world for many years and runs a popular “Arduino for Total Newbies” workshop where he introduces fundamentals of electronics using Arduino. For him, Arduino is the perfect teaching tool because people can easily implement functionalities with high-level function calls. Over the years Mitch developed two Arduino-compatible kits–a game kit and an LED cube kit.
When asked to give advice to beginners, Mitch said “Play!” Electronics is full of fun, and you can meet many other enthusiasts at local hackerspaces and join their excitement. Don’t be intimidated by the geeky appearance of Arduino and the variety of components, they are just simple tools for you to use!

Reference: Wikipedia Youtube Mitch’s Facebook Mitch’s Twitter
Hey Makers! What are you making recently?