Announcing the Cellular IoT Challenge on Hackster from Soracom, AWS and Seeed
Soracom has launched their Cellular IoT Cloud Challenge on! Seeed is proud to be a co-sponsor along with Amazon Web Services. Soraocom and

The synergy between Seeed, Soracom, Hackster, and AWS is as follows:
- Soracom provides the smart connectivity
- AWS has the world’s leading cloud computing platform
- Seeed Studio offers great development hardware and production/manufacturing expertise
- has the most creative community of makers and developers in the world
- Together, we offer a fun yet challenging contest that stretches contestants imagination, adds cloud computing, and up levels the contest to include scalability and security
- We are spreading the word about everything fun and interesting about cellular IoT and the cloud
- We let everyone see for themselves the ease and benefit of connecting physical devices to the cloud
Co-sponsoring the contest with us are our friends at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Seeed Studio who have made generous donations to make the contest next level for both free hardware and contest prizes. Additionally, Soracom has their Accelerator Program and IoT Fund.
To help developers get started with cellular IoT, we are offering eighty (80) free hardware starter kits as part of the contest. There are 20 Seeed Studio WIO LTE kits, 20 Raspberry Pi kits, and 40 Huawei 3G dongle kits. Each kit comes with a Soracom SIM card and AWS credits. Apply early to get your choice of
Joining us as judges of the contest are Jeff Barr, VP
Please check out the contest over on, apply for free hardware, and submit your project before the deadline. And best of luck to all contestants.