How to build an Arduino Robot? Kits and Projects to get started
Want to know how to build an Arduino robot? This guide shows you the kits, and projects to help you easily get started in building one!
In the past, building robots was an expensive and tough task to handle due to the vast number of parts and experience needed. However, with the availability of Arduino and the kits, arms, and parts that go alongside it, robotics is now a fun and exciting process that’s very much affordable!
What do you need to build an Arduino Robot?
The first step to building anything is what are the components needed? Building an Arduino Robot is no exception, where the number of parts needed depends on what type of robot you’re trying to build, alongside your budget!
Here is the list of components you’ll typically need to build a basic Arduino Robot:
- Arduino board; Arduino Uno/Arduino 101
- Motor driver: The intermediate device between you Arduino, a battery, and motors. Provides current to ensure all components work appropriately
- Motors for rotation of wheels and allow the robot to move around
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor: For the robot to detect when there’s an object nearing
- A USB cable: To upload software and used as a power source
- Connectivity modules; Arduino robot Bluetooth slaves, etc. that acts as a controller
- Vehicle kit/Robotic platform: The body of the robot, for mounting of parts.
As mentioned, the above list is only the minimal requirements to build the simplest Arduino robot. However, there are a plethora of different parts out there applicable for Arduino robot building!
To help you expand your creativity and ease the process of buying all the parts individually, we’ve prepared Arduino robot kits that include all the essential components/modules you’ll need to easily get started!
Arduino Robot Kits
Arduino Robot Kit For beginners: Starter Robot Kit (IR Version)

Here at Seeed, we offer a Robot kit to help you easily get started with building an Arduino Robot!
- Containing mechanical parts and electronic modules commonly seen in the robot world, this kit can be used to be a robot tank or a three-wheel robot car as seen above!
- It’s suitable for beginners as well, with no soldering required and easy wiring, you’ll build a robot in no time with this starter kit!
A total of 40 parts is included. For the full part list with quantity, you can head to our product page!
Arduino Line follower robot kit: AlphaBot Basic Robot Building Kit for Arduino
Another Arduino robot kit suitable for beginners is the above Alphabot basic robot building kit. This kit runs on the Alphabot robotic platform, capable of not only Arduino line following, but obstacle avoidance, speed measuring, and IR control as well!
With this kit, you wouldn’t have to worry about not having an Arduino board as it comes with a UNO plus, an improved and enhanced microcontroller alternative to the Arduino Uno R3!
This Arduino Robot kit features the following:
- Arduino extend header, supports Arduino robot shield
- Modular design with plug-and-play modules, eliminating the need for connecting messy jumper wires and soldering!
- LM298P motor driver with a diode protection circuit for added safety
- LM2596 voltage regular, providing stable 5V power to your Arduino
On the microcontroller…
- The features on the UNO plus make it an overall better solution through its advantages in many areas crucial for easing the Arduino robot building process!
- Such features include dual voltage level support and lateral button for robot shield compatibilities, a bootloader switch, and many more!
For the full feature comparison on the UNO plus, UNO r3, and the Alphabot Basic Robot Building kit information, you can head to our product page!
Need an alternative version with an accessory shield and dual-mode Bluetooth? You can check out this out!
Version 2 of the Alphabot: AlphaBot2 Robot Building Kit for Arduino

Like what you’ve seen with the previous Alphabot recommendation and thought that was it? This upgraded version brings Arduino robot building to the next level!
The AlphaBot2 is built with a 2-layer structure; a lower base chassis and an upper adapter board. By designing it this way, it provides overall better stability and compatibility!
Oh, and compared to other robot building kit, the Alphabot2 requires no soldering and no wiring!
AlphaBot2 structure; Lower-base Chassis:
- Stable line tracking with 5-ch infrared sensor, analog output, combined with PID algorithm
- Onboard modules like line tracking, obstacle avoiding allows for no messy wiring
- More efficient, more compact, with less heating TB6612FNG dual H-bridge motor driver embedded instead of the L298P used by the previous version
- N20 micro gear motor, with metal gears that provide low noise and high accuracy
- Onboard RGD LED
AlphaBot2 upper adapter board features:
- Onboard Arduino interface for easy integration with Arduino controller
- 0.96inch 128×64 yellow/blue dual color OLED
- TLC1543 AD acquisition chip
- PC8574 I/O expander, avoid I/O shortage
- Xbee connector, for connecting dual-mode Bluetooth module
Interested to find out more? You can check out the following resources:
Arduino robot projects
Want to explore further into the endless creativity when building an Arduino robot project? This section of today’s blog is the one you’re looking for!
I’ll be showcasing 10 of the most interesting Arduino robot projects out there in the community! Feel free to gather some inspiration from it!
1. Arduino Spider Robot

Undoubtedly one of the coolest Arduino robots you can make today is the Arduino Spider Robot. Thanks to MEGA DAS on, you can easily build one today!
What do you need to make an Arduino Spider Robot?
Hardware components:
- Arduino Nano R3
- Generic Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Module
- Onion Corporation OLED expansion
- RGB Diffused Common Cathode
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by MEGA DAS on!
2. Arduino Robot PoliArdo; built with Zumo Robot
Want to build a winning robot that successfully solved a maze in a competition? This project helps you with that!
What’s the winning formula?
- Three ultrasonic sensors to monitor walls
- A color sensor that counted the lines and recognizes colors
- Speakers that gave a signal to the robot when crossed the lines of different sections
- A display that showed the number of lines
Here’s the full list of components that you’ll need:
Hardware components:
- 2 Arduino UNO and Genuino Uno
- 2 Ultrasonic Sensors
- Zumo Arduino
- Color sensor
- DC motor (generic)
Software apps and online services:
- Arduino IDE
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by MakerRobotics on!
3. Arduino Rover Robot

There are plenty of Arduino rovers on the internet, but with this Arduino rover project, it’s much simpler to put all the components together!
With the integration of the Grove system, you can simply add sensors and actuators through plug and play, eliminating the need for breadboard!
What do you need?
Hardware components:
- Arduino 101 & Genuino 101
- Skeleton Bot – 4WD Mobile Robotic Platform
- Seeed Grove Starter Kit for Arduino
- Seeed Grove I2C Motor Driver Board
Software apps and online services:
- Arduino IDE
- Nordic Semiconductor BLE Toolbox
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by shadeydave on Seeed Project Hub!
4. Arduino Sumo Robot

Originating from the term Sumo in Japan, Sumo robot competitions have been common nowadays, with two robots placed in a ring and trying to push each other out!
Thus, do you want to build a robot that’s competitive enough and able to withstand sumo fighting? Here’s an Arduino sumo robot project that helps you get started in building one for that KO!
What do you need?
Hardware components:
- Arduino Nano R3
- 2 DC Motor, 12V
- Dual H-Bridge Motor Drivers L298
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- 9V battery (generic)
- 9V battery clip
Software apps and online services:
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by AhmedAzouz on!
5. Arduino Humanoid Robot

The first thing that likely comes to mind when someone is asked how does a robot looks like is those human-looking robots. These human-looking robots are also known as Humanoid robots.
This project helps you build a humanoid robot that you can control by Andriod. It can be used in multi-terrains and has fall detection as well!
What do you need?
Hardware components:
- ssc-32u-usb-servo-controller
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Module (Generic)
- Seeed Grove – 3-Axis Digital Compass V2
- Arduino Nano R3
- Andriod device
- Id-2015 servo
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by Ajith Valappil on Seeed Project Hub!
6. Arduino Self Balancing Robot

Next up, a robot that balances by itself? Yes, you’re not reading or seeing it wrong. You can indeed build an Arduino self-balancing robot that moves on two wheels!
Seems cool? Here’s what you’ll need:
Hardware components:
- Arduino Nano R3
- 2 9V battery (generic)
Hand tools and fabrication machines:
- Generic laser cutter
- Generic soldering iron
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by Stephan Schultz on!
7. Hexapod Arduino Robot
Want an ultra-low-cost, 3d printable and Bluetooth-controlled Arduino hexapod? Vorpal The Hexapod is a project that you can easily customize into what you wish it to be!
Not only that, this hexapod features an attachment system, allowing you to design your own 3D-printed decorations and game attachments as well!
What do you need?
Hardware components:
- Vorpal Hexapod Electronics kit featuring Arduino Nano
- With a wide variety of design submissions on Thingiverse, you can 3D print one from there or design your own!
- Arduino Nano R3
Hand tools and fabrication machines:
- 2mm Hex key
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by Team Vorpal Robotics on!
8. Arduino Delta Robot
If you’re looking for a robot that’s advanced and powerful, this project is for you!
Delta robots are known for their pick and assembly applications, with the capability of moving at high speeds and performing repetitive tasks quickly and consistently.
With this project, you can build an Arduino delta robot that can be connected to a Raspberry Pi to play Tic Tac Toe!
What you’ll need:
Hardware components:
- Arduino Mega 2560 & Genuino Mega 2560
- Arduino Uno & Genuino Uno
- LCD screen shield for Arduino Uno
- Prototype Shield for Arduino Mega
- Servomotor
- Polyfuse
- Electromagnet
- Relay (generic)
- Computer Power Supply
- HC-6 Bluetooth Module
- LEDs, Resistors, Diodes, Switches, Buttons, Potentiometers, etc.
Software apps and online services:
Hand tools and fabrication machines:
- Soldering iron (generic)
Despite its exhaustive part list, if you’re one that loves building, this is the one for you!
Interested to find out more? You can check out the full tutorial by geordag on!
9. Arduino Cleaning Robot with Roomba
Ever tried automated cleaning via cleaning robots? If you’ve ever tried, chances are you’re using a Roomba robot. If that’s the case, this project is for you!
- Don’t own a Roomba? You can check out other robot cleaning Arduino projects here!
This project aims to connect Arduino with the Roomba via serial port to deploy commands!
What do you need?
Hardware components:
- Roomba Create2
- Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO
- HC-06 Bluetooth Module
- Pushbutton switch 12mm
Software apps and online services:
- MJRoBot BT Remote Control app
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by MJRoBot on!
10. Arduino Drawing Robot

Suck at drawing and would like to program an Arduino drawing robot to help? This last project is the one you’re looking for!
Based on DrawingBot by MakerC, there are 5 new 3D/STL files that you can use to add improved slider stability for the head, including a pen-tilt. You can set the rotation in 3 variations (straight / 25 degrees / 50 degrees) as well.
What do you need?
Hardware components:
- 2x stepper motors
- Arduino Uno board with CNC shield
- 2x Pololu A4988 stepper driver
- GT2 timing belt and 2x GT2 20 teeth
- 4x micro switches on all axis
- 1x Servo motor
- Spring (custom)
- Screws, rods, etc.
Software apps and online services:
Interested in finding out more about this project? You can check out the full tutorial by avanhanegem on Thingiverse!
Resources and Going Further
For more on Robotics and Arduino Robot building, you can check out the following resources:
For a plethora of other Arduino robot projects, you may refer to the following:
- Arduino robot projects on Arduino Project hub
- Arduino robot projects on Seeed Project Hub
Overall, Arduino robot building is a fun and easy hobby to should pick up! I hope with today’s blog, you get a deeper understanding of what it takes to build one!
If you’re looking to easily get started with it, do consider the recommended Arduino robot kits covered today!
- Starter Robot Kit (IR Version)
- AlphaBot Basic Robot Building Kit for Arduino
- AlphaBot2 Robot Building Kit for Arduino