VoiceNeeded! Newly Released Wio Terminal Projects to Explore more Possibilities-WioHeliumMonitor & PasswordVault
Wio Terminal is compatible with Arduino and MicroPython, with both Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity powered, currently, wireless connectivity is only supported by Arduino. It comes with a 2.4″ LCD screen, 5-way joystick, and additional buttons, which is great for physical computing or IoT projects.
When you get the Wio Terminal, many novel project ideas will continue to emerge.
Today we bring two projects to share with you and would like to hear your thoughts on them.
1. WioHeliumMonitor based on WioTerminal and LoRa-E5
Have you ever got your WioField Tester? In January 2022, we launched our first device, the Wio Terminal LoRaWAN Field Tester, made in collaboration with Paul (disk_91). The product is plug-and-play and can be used to find the best place to deploy your gateway/hotspot.
The latest batch of WioLoRaWAN FieldTester is coming soon with an estimated shipping date of June 9, 2022. Order now! And click this article for more of its story.
✨Get excited! We are delighted to hear from Paul’s new project –WioHeliumMonitor.

Firstly, let’s hear what the author Paul (disk_91) has to say:
WioFieldTester tester responds to questions: what is my gateway/hotspot coverage, where to place it, and what is helium coverage?
From Paul (disk_91)
WioMonitor responds to questions: is my miner correctly accessing the Internet and the network, Is it working? This is a helper to fix the recurrent gateway/hotspot issues that make your reward down. And particularly useful to operate hotspot hosted when you need to remotely identify the issue and fix them.
The purpose of this project is to monitor your Helium Hotspot and be alarmed when it is not working correctly.
The solution currently pings the hotspot over the LAN and pings the Internet to make sure the Hotspot is connected to the LAN and has access to the Internet. It gets the hotspot status from watchium application. It also communicates over LoRaWan to test the Hotspot LoRa communication. LoRaWan is also used to report status when the WAN is not working.
Hardware and software used in this kit:
–Wio Terminal
–Grove LoRa E5
–Watchium Application
After listening to the above introduction, are you looking forward to the launch of WioHeliumMonitor? Please leave your valuable expectations for WioHeliumMonitor at the end of the article. You can also leave your suggestions in the comment area.
2.PasswordVault on Wio Terminal
Have you been fatigued with memorizing all the passwords for your daily used devices? And worried about the security issue of any password manager application?
An open-source application by Dr. Olav Schettler, Bonn that is accomplished by our Wio Terminal and Grove Lora E5 to securely manage passwords will be introduced to you now.

PasswordVault features open-source, powerful, and off-the-shelf hardware, written in Arduino C++, which could store your passwords and type them into any website or service you use on any tablet or computer with higher security.
The sketch for the Wio Terminal reads a list of encrypted passwords from a file on the SD card and displays them on the screen. And then it types the selected passwords to your computer in a manner emulating the keyboard. This works for Windows, macOS, Linux, RaspberryPi, and even on iPads. The passwords are stored encrypted with the XXTEA algorithm. A simple python script is provided to create a file with encrypted passwords.
Hardware and software used in this kit:
–Wio Terminal
After reading the above project introductions, have they inspired you to have more Wio Terminal project ideas? Would you buy them if they were listed as products? What is your favorite price for them?
Feel free to share your thoughts on them in the comments section and leave a star rating of your expectations for them. We really look forward to your sharing of project ideas about Wio Terminal.