Simplify Your Large-scale Edge AI Deployment on NVIDIA Jetson Orin with Scailable

Bring Edge AI solution to the next step has one crucial point initially – the Proof-of-Concept stage which includes capturing sensor data, generating inferences, post-processing, and visualization of the results. How to deploy your PoC to the whole fleet of actual edge devices in the real scenario can be challenging.

Deploy Challenge in Scene

The potential difficulty could be synchronizing the rapid iteration cycles of machine learning models with the slower pace of on-device software development. The misalignment between these cycles may hinder the seamless integration and deployment of evolving models onto diverse edge devices. Without insights into Scailable’s specific methods for decoupling model training and on-device engineering, challenges such as maintaining consistency, version control, and ensuring that the deployed software is always compatible with the latest models might arise.

The efficiency of remote processes, especially when dealing with a diverse fleet of edge devices, each with its unique characteristics.

AI Pipeline Accelerator – Scailable Middleware

Scailable offers a streamlined solution for deploying AI models on large-scale selected edge devices. This not only minimizes time-to-market but also facilitates swift iterations. Built from the ground up with modularity as a guiding principle, Scailable’s middleware boosts complete portability across devices while ensuring native performance.

It provides an adaptable and efficient AI deployment platform, capable of scaling models seamlessly across groups of edge devices using cutting-edge Over-The-Air (OTA) tools. The result is a visually intuitive interface that showcases detection results while empowering users to transmit meta-data (inferences) to diverse platforms, further enhancing the versatility and accessibility of the deployed AI models.

Two Takeaways to accelerate edge AI solutions into the market:

1. High Flexibility and Scalability Redefined

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, adaptability is key. Scailable places a strong emphasis on flexibility in its deployment. The platform is designed to:

  • Seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructures
  • Transition PoC to highly optimized deployments across a range of edge devices, ensuring a smooth process into the world of edge AI

The model transformation pipeline automatically optimizes models for specific hardware targets (CPU, NPU, GPU, etc.), and the cloud tool can help manage your device fleet. Providing a modular, secure, and easy-to-configure edge AI pipeline across all supported devices is critical, ensuring optimal device implementation.

2. Streamlined Integration for Seamless Adoption

Scailable prioritizes a streamlined integration process to allow businesses can adopt edge AI without unnecessary complexities or disruptions, separating AI modeling and model training from hardware engineering.

On the one hand, Scailable delivers a wide range of AI/ML models as the library without any other extra coding for model selection, or you can maintain your model collections. All is for deploying AI models to edge devices in minutes, there’s no need to re-build your AI pipelines for dedicated hardware again.

On the other hand, you can integrate the Scailable platform directly into your CI/CD pipelines through platform API or create your own AI model management interface on top of the Scailable platform.

Next Step?

With Scailable, you can now easily deploy AI models at scale on reComputer powered by the NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX / Jetson Orin Nano based on our test! Explore our latest wiki to get started. The Scailable team is ready to help you scale up your edge AI solutions across a fleet of Seeed devices!

Discover the Scailable AI Manager plugin on Allxon Plugin Station, which can help you deploy Scailable’s edge AI middleware as an image-based OTA update for NVIDIA Jetson devices with a simple click, making updates more convenient.

Seeed NVIDIA Jetson Ecosystem

Seeed is an Elite partner for edge AI in the NVIDIA Partner Network. Explore more carrier boards, full system devices, customization services, use cases, and developer tools on Seeed’s NVIDIA Jetson ecosystem page.

Join the forefront of AI innovation with us! Harness the power of cutting-edge hardware and technology to revolutionize the deployment of machine learning in the real world across industries. Be a part of our mission to provide developers and enterprises with the best ML solutions available. Check out our success case study catalog to discover more edge AI possibilities!

Take the first step and send us an email at [email protected] to become a part of this exciting journey! 

Download our latest Jetson product Catalog to find one option that suits you well. If you can’t find the off-the-shelf Jetson hardware solution for your needs, please check out our customization services, and submit a new product inquiry to us at [email protected] for evaluation.

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December 2023