Happy ArduinoDay2021. Free Trial of Arduino Sensor Kit or Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino when you share your cool projects!

Hi our lovely community, happy Arduino Day 2021!
Now we are inviting all community members to get their hands on the kit for free! No matter whether you have bought kits already. We will refund you with coupons if your project is qualified.
- Simply follow the link below to apply.
- Send your project idea or finished project link to [email protected], then we will follow back to you with confirmation.
- Place an order for Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino or Arduino Sensor Kit if you haven’t bought it yet.
- Post your project and share it with us. Welcome to say hi to us on Twitter @seeedstudio
- We will issue a coupon refunding one Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino or one Arduino Sensor Kit after reviewing your post and check your project can be approved.
Stayed tuned with us and look forward to your participation!