Call for Projects: Submit Your Grove Vision AI V2 Projects to Win Big

So surprised that now we received more than 300 project ideas after Vision Challenge was published on March 20th. From wild animal detection, home assistant, game control systems, vegetable freshness detection, etc… The creativity knows no bounds with Grove Vision AI V2.
Let’s have a look at some of these interesting projects:

The surveillance system made by skruglewicz was designed to prevent squirrels from invading my bird feeders. This module includes a powerful processor, camera, and a variety of sensors that can be attached to that can be used to detect and scare away squirrels but do not harm them. More read about project.

This project made by Víctor Alonso Altamirano Izquierdo developed an AI on edge impulse and deployed with SenseCraft that detects Pedestrians, Motorcycles and Cars. It is very useful for detecting objects in the blind spot of vehicles, all embedded in the AI kit.

This project made by Roni Bandini started with a simple distance sensor, now drunks are detected with AI, reported with BLE, and dispersed with dog barks. Read more about project.
We believe there are more surprises in store, and we’re excited to invite you to join the second stage of the Vision Challenge – Smart Eyes on MCU!
Many members have suggested extending the campaign, and we are also eager to see more outstanding content. Therefore, we are extending the deadline to June 30th! Share with us what you’ve created using the Grove Vision AI V2 Sensor. We welcome all types of content, but here are a few directions to consider:
- Conduct diverse evaluations to test its capabilities. Try running models like Mobilenet V1, V2, Efficientnet-lite, Yolo v5 & v8 in TensorFlow and PyTorch to test its performance
- Apply it to your own applications and solve your challenges by training your models or using our pre-trained model library.
- Share your user experience by integrating it with popular development boards like Raspberry Pi or ESP32. Let us know how it performs as a subprocessor for image processing, and whether or not it meets your expectations
- Impress us with your creativity.
Except for special announcement on our social media, the great projects will also win:
1) 💵 Three Top Picks – Our favorite 3 publications will each receive a $300 coupon to purchase any Seeed products.
2) 🏆Alpha test our to-be-released SenseCAP Watcher (picture below)- For those whose work involves Computer Vision, TinyML, or LLM, we’ll select participants to join our alpha test of this new product—with no limit on the number of selections, just great work.
3) 🔍Official Promotions – Exceptional content may be featured through official Seeed, Himax, and ARM channels, like social media or trade shows.
4) 💡Co-Creation Opportunity – Your project could be selected for our Seeed-Co-Create program, potentially turning your work into a product with a significant royalty for every unit sold.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We will be there to support you.