Haxlr8r s4 is Open For Application


Haxlr8r is a 111 day, seed-funding, mentorship-driven hardware incubator, aiming at helping hardware startups get on the road of successful entrepreneurship.

Haxlr8r provides you a bridge between Shenzhen and Silicon Valley. In Shenzhen, the Hollywood of Hardware, you can find comprehensive resources here to develop your prototypes. And then bring your prototypes to Silicon Valley to meet the potential investors. Haxlr8r also provides a lot of things in between, such as seed-funding (for Haxlr8r4, it will be up to $50,000),equipments and space for working. Besides, the mentors to meet you now and then, giving you advice about supply management, entrepreneurship etc.

You might want to take a look at some successful examples of the alumni of Haxlr8r. Just to name a few: Nomiku is a project that helps bring the magic of sous vide into your kitchen. Makeblock provides lego-like aluminum robot kits. Clyde is an expressive lamp for creative homes. BlinkyTape is a reinvented flexible and portable LED strip.

The companies that came from Haxlr8r have got 100% funded on Kickstarter. Spark Core (a tiny Wi-Fi development board) got 5679% funded; and Hex (the world’s first personalized smartphone controlled nanocopter) got 5637% funded.

By the way, if you think putting prototypes into productization is a headache for you, Seeed would like to help you get rid of all the troubles. We’ve cooperated with a lot of teams from Haxlr8r and Kickstarter, providing services such as DFM, OEM, manufacturing, packaging and drop-shipping etc.  See? Hardware start-ups don’t necessarily go on bumpy roads!

Would like to get to the hardware wonderland on a high-speed train? Apply for Haxlr8r4 now! The application ends on November 15th.  Good luck! Looking forward to seeing you in Shenzhen soon:-)

About Author


October 2013