Using Seeed Jetson Mate as a 4 x Jetson Xavier NX cluster for machine vision laboratory
It was incredible and so exciting to me that I have the opportunity to learn from Dr. Robert B. Trelease, Professor Emeritus from the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and UCLA Brain Research Institute, and discussed his project using our Jetson Mate with 4 Xavier NX modules to create a laboratory computing ‘edge appliance’ environment helping AI research, development, and deployment for microscopic through macroscopic and 3D imaging applications, etc.
After working over 4 decades in previous waves of AI, Dr. Trelease felt that it was amazing to be able to develop and experiment with such powerful real working connectionist NVIDIA powered hardware on the edge. The GTC sessions on medical imaging and healthcare also outstandingly showcased the tremendous advances in GPU-based DL and scientific computing! We are both looking forward to seeing every advanced step in medical imaging and healthcare that is driven by AI.

Dr. Trelease has done research on symbolic programming for agents, qualitative simulation (QSIM, QPM), and ontologies. He hopes to integrate CLIPS with the tremendous L4T CV and D/CDNN development environment using NVIDIA RTX and Xavier NX.
Then Dr. Trelease continued on integrating newer symbolic AI programming tools with the tremendous L4T + JetPack CV and D/CDNN development environment. Please check the discussion of Installing Symbolic Programming Tools on NX 1 at the NVIDIA Forum.
The AI research part includes continuing Dr. Trelease’s legacy academic AI work on symbolic modeling, biological process simulations, and structural ontologies. He is also continuing on new neural-symbolic fusion applications on the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier series.
This includes linking to Python for use with Jupyter Notebooks and other NVIDIA Jetson/NGC dev resources.
If you are interested in Dr.Trelease’s project, we recommend also taking a look at Clojure- – Getting Started as you need to install it for coding the new intelligent systems. Clojure is an evolved Lisp functional language system that uses OpenJVM for optimized execution.
What is the next?
Dr. Trelease is working on integrating Python with JVM apps like Clojure, ImageJ, CLIPSJNI, and Protege as previously installed. Stay tuned with his Leiningen + Python javabridge installation follow-up guide!
Dr. Trelease’s AI research:
- Anatomical Reasoning in the Informatics Age: Principles, Ontologies, and Agendas, ROBERT B. TRELEASE
- Transforming Clinical Imaging Data for Virtual Reality
Learning Objects - A qualitative process system for modeling NF-kB and AP-1 gene regulation in immune cell biology research, Robert B. Trelease, Richard A. Henderson, Jack B. Park