New Product Post

Spring Festival is fastening up its pace. Only two weeks away the biggest festival for Chinese people is waiting. Everyone is busy imagining pictures of celebration, or worrying about how to get a back-home train ticket(that’s kind of a flight, believe me, but all the trouble will just add on the joy when they finally get home).  Back to our business, this week we bring you some DFrobot products and improved RF kits.

First, let’s check out two updated RF kits: Grove – 433MHz Simple RF link kit and Grove – 315MHz Simple RF link kit.  These boards are revised from our older products: 433Mhz RF link kit and 315Mhz RF link kit. We decided to make them more user-friendly, so Grove connector was added to remove any soldering work that might needed. But two visions are functionally identical, so more choice~

And next on, we have two boards catering for robot fans: Romeo-All in one Controller and 2A Motor Shield For Arduino. We get them from DFrobot — a Beijing based robot-centered OSH store. They do pretty good job on creating some boards and tools for robot. If you are working on a robot-related project, check these useful boards.

Final but not the least, we have Grove – Infrared Temperature Sensor. There are many solutions to detect temperature. Thermistor definitly costs the least. But, not satisfied with now accuracy and feel like to improve it? Try infrared temperature tech.

OK, then hope all of my friends survive this crazy ticket season…

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January 2012