Seeed for the SDGs

Over the years, Seeed has proudly supported projects and initiatives with positive social and environmental impact. We firmly believe that open technology is a major tool to help solve many of the world’s problem today and achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Here are some of the projects Seeed has supported by providing open hardware, technical know-how and manufacturing services.
Smart Citizen Kit
Project by: Fablab Barcelona, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
An open source hardware and software platform enabling any citizen to collect information about their urban area such as air and noise pollution levels. The collected data can be shared on an open platform to raise awareness and seek solutions through community engagement. Learn more.

Marine Litter Detective
Project by: MakerBay Hong Kong
Sensors and positioning systems are getting more accessible. This project in Hong Kong had students put positioning devices in a coconut shells wrapped with recycled tire rubber, and release these devices into the ocean for determining the source of marine pollution based on direction of the current. Learn more.

Microsoft FarmBeats
Project by: Microsoft
A new generation of low-power sensor network, combined with UAV remote sensing, uses machine learning to analyze the collected spectral images in order to provide farmers with information that helps them increase productivity and lower costs. Read more.
A student kit is also being developed for teaching about precision farming.

IoTea for Revitalizing Traditional Business
In 2018, Seeed implemented its new sensor network system, SenseCAP, in the tea farms on Mending Mountain in Sichuan province in China. The sensors picked up key environmental data to help increase efficiency and build customer trust for a young farmer who returned to his hometown to work in the aging industry and hoped to use smart agriculture technology to help rebuild his family’s business. Read more.

Code Jumper
Project by: Microsoft, APH
Code Jumper aims to assist children of different level of vision to learn coding through a unique, physical system. Children not only learn basic programming concepts, such as sequence, iteration, selection, and variables, but will also be encouraged to think computationally, such as solving the same challenge in multiple ways.

Support for Education and Community
Seeed has an extensive network of partners and communities with whom we collaborate not only to build ready solutions but also to educate and research for the future by providing technology and support to institutions ranging from universities to non-profit organizations with a focus on the environment and the SDGs.

Please contact [email protected] for more information about our work for the SDGs.