Dear Community,
All thanks to you, the open source community, Seeed’s “IoT Into the Wild Contest for Sustainable Planet 2022” on Hackster.io has been increasingly receiving a lot of attention, love, and support all over the world. Words cannot express how much you all mean to us, and so we would like to express how grateful we are towards all the Contest participants, hardware winners, supporters, and judges! We came this far, TOGETHER! And we will continue to take big strides with you together until the day the open tech becomes an important foundation for achieving the UN‘s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through filling the gap of seriously lacking AIoT solutions that are applicable, scalable, plug-and-play, and easy-to-deploy at a global level.
To date, 527 people have registered as contest participants, among which 104 people won the free hardware kit (= SenseCAP K1100 – The Sensor Prototype Kit). Check out all the hardware winners’ project proposals here. In addition, we’ve received 20 completed project documentation submissions already, while 45 project submissions are being drafted at the moment!

Moving on with this progress on the Contest, we are happy to share 2 good news with you:
- 4 Judging Criteria (*Tips for your project documentation submission to win!)
- Official Release of SenseCraft v0.2 (*Tips for using the SenseCAP K1100 Kit’s no-coding firmware!)
⚖ 4 Judging Criteria: 100 Points at Max.
There are 4 judging criteria that will be the basis of Contest judges’ evaluations of all the project documentation submissions.

🎉 Official Release of SenseCraft v0.2
On top of the 4 judging criteria, we are happy to announce the official release of SenseCraft v0.2: An Open-Source Software Platform to Build Smart Sensors Without Coding. It delivers a complete out-of-the-box solution to sense the real-world, while processing and sending the gathered data to the cloud in the easiest and fastest way possible – ALL WITH NO CODING EXPERIENCE AT ALL! Even better, SenseCraft v0.2 is now compatible with Wio Terminal and SenseCAP K1100 Kit. With this toolkit, we aim to break down the process of sensor data displays into 3 actionable steps:
– Sense: Connect all the sensors to the supported hardware platform
– Process: Start data handling and machine learning
– Uplink (Network): Send data to the cloud via WiFi/ LoRaWAN
Ok, that sounds pretty interesting. What’s the list of the functions that are made available with this SenseCraft v0.2?
1️⃣ Basic interaction logic of the user interface
2️⃣ Real-time data display
3️⃣ TinyML Tutorial link
4️⃣ LoRa® Communication (SenseCAP)
5️⃣ Automatic recognition of sensor connections
6️⃣ Grove – Vision AI Module Logs
7️⃣ Connect to Ubidots via WiFi
8️⃣ LoRa® communication information panel display
Now, you are now all invited to test out and experience this toolkit by downloading “Release v0.2” on our GitHub. Hunting the bugs by raising issues is much appreciated. Submit PR to contribute to the to-be-developed functions on the function list.
Meanwhile, our team is also working on a new release of v0.3 to make more functions available. Check out the Functions List to learn more. Feel free to propose any other functions that you’d love to have!
That’s all for today! Shoot us a tweet @seeedstudio, or let us know your project progress on LinkedIn, Discord, or publish your project on Seeed’s Project Hub on Hackster.io. Looking forward to reading your amazing project documentation submissions to win US$ 18,000+ in prizes (deadline by September 27th, 2022 (23:59P.M. PT): https://www.hackster.io/contests/iotinthewild

Last but not least, kudos to all the Contest judges and supporters:

Attribution: The ‘LoRa®’ mark is a trademark of Semtech Corporation or its subsidiaries.
Thank you for sharing this information with me but unfortunately I cannot afford the kit to be able to be a participant in this event even though I really want to be. I am a disabled U.S. Air Force Veteran whose income is less than $300 per month, which goes to pay the electric and water with only a couple dollars leftover. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi, Anthony! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, and I’m sorry that you weren’t able to participate in this Contest this year. However, I’d like to guide your attention to the fact that the Contest opened up free hardware kit application form from June 8th to August 8th (refer to the Contest website: https://www.hackster.io/contests/iotinthewild). As a result, 205 people applied for the free hardware kit, among which we’ve selected 104 people to receive the free hardware kit including the international shipping costs. That being said, I’d like to kindly suggest you to closely follow Seeed Studio on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/seeedstudio/), Twitter (https://twitter.com/seeedstudio), and Seeed Discord Community (https://discord.com/invite/54DsUT4jeU), for various types of event updates, free giveaways, and technological insights! I hope, you can join our events in the future. Wishing you a sunshiny day as well! ?
Best regards,
Ye Seong SHIN