Month: October 2023

IOT303 | Asset Tracking Workshop at AWS re:Invent

Join us at AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas for the IOT303 Asset Tracking Workshop, a collaborative effort by Amazon, Semtech and Seeed. This hands-on workshop will unlock the potential of Amazon Sidewalk and AWS Location Service, giving you the skills to build an asset tracking application. Explore the powerful Seeed Studio Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Kit and harness LoRa technology, AWS IoT Core, and Amazon Location Service to revolutionize asset tracking. Learn from experts, including Zach Elliott and Ben Cooke, and gain key takeaways, such as collecting location data from sensors, secure data transmission, and precise asset positioning

Open Manufacture: Revealing SenseCAP T1000’s Reliability through Extreme Temperature Trials

Today, we continue our open manufacture journey of entering the realm of extreme temperature testing, a pivotal phase in affirming the reliability and resilience of SenseCAP T1000 trackers. Ensuring seamless performance in the most demanding environments and extreme conditions, from freezing cold to scorching heat, is our ultimate aim. In this blog, you’ll be walked through how we carried out the rigorous temperature testing, from -20°C to 60°C, which unveils the comprehensive procedures, results, and advancements.

Meet Seeed Studio at Mouser IoT Day CDMX 2023

We are thrilled to announce that we will be part of Mouser IoT Day Mexico City in November 6th. Come join us to discuss the latest trend and have a visit at Seeed Studio’s demonstration in the show. Our representative @Kingsley Li will be happy to meet you there!


October 2023