Propaganda services now called “Fusion”
Propaganda, I liked the bar with same name in Beijing, also like the meaning of
Propaganda, I liked the bar with same name in Beijing, also like the meaning of
Not everyday, but we keep negotiating with our PCB fab for better price over their
Seeeduino v1.0b Overview Seeeduino is Arduino compatible board. Its design is based on Diecimila scheme,
This is what I witnessed: People are making various shields and boards, which is expensive
It’s amazing fast… 3 days from order, even before the delivery of components. We are
Check this out^^ Scheme file
First try with Eagle has arrived us. They are : ADXL330 module and Ref. Board
No encouragement is greater than the confirmation from you customers. Faster and bigger than expected,
It would be cheaper make the ADXL330 module ourselves. And… Here is the file, first