Celebrating the First Seeed Studio Ranger IoT LoRaWAN Workshop in Cameroon (Douala and Yaounde)
By Dessap Loic 5 months ago
We successfully hosted a workshop in Cameroon (Douala and Yaoundé)! The event was a collaboration between TmeEducation_Cameroon, Robotsave, Inchtech, Coveriot, LightGroup , KandaWeather and HardwareCommunity. It occurred at Light Group, Inchtech, and Coveriot centres in Douala and Yaoundé. The month was filled with innovation, learning, entrepreneurship, personal development, and collaboration.
A Great Attendance
Workshop Content
We are grateful to have had over 49 attendees from various milieus join us, including Students from different universities, makers and Startups, Telecom, Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a Young Researcher from the Ministry of Science and Development, Personnel from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, MTN Cameroon Telecom provider, and the Telecom Regulator Agency (l’ART).
This diverse group of attendees came together to explore the world of IoT and its different cases using IoT base LoRa tools provided by Seeed Studio such as SenseCAP LoRa Node industrial sensors and Gateways with XIAO ESP32S3 Sense sense microcontrollers, which are powerful tools for rapid prototyping and real life project implementation. Additionally with the use of XIAO ESP32S3 Sense for a great possibility of AI vision model development.
Impact and Future
Unlock the Future of IoT in Cameroon
The workshop was conducted in English and French for 6 days in Douala and Yaounde(morning and evening section). Participants learned and had hands-on experience with various IoT tools, including demonstrations and interactive projects such as a small aquaponics system and smart plant monitoring. This allowed attendees to directly experience the capabilities of this versatile industrial IoT LoRaWAN sensors and Gateways. Real-world use cases and best practices for implementing IoT-based LoRa projects were also presented.
Program details:
- Day 1: Introduction to the World of IoT and LoRaWAN with its Network Architecture, Sizing with the antenna characteristics to have a wide area coverage and a showcase of the projects performed recently in Cameroon: launching into space of Weather balloon radiosonde, installation of Lora gateways and SenseCAP Weather Station in Douala and Dibamba
- Day 2: Setting up, configuration and registration of industrial sensors (SenseCAP Temperature-Humidity and moisture LoRa Node sensor), SenseCAP LoRa Gateway to SenseCraft and TTN,
- Day 3: Create a LoRa Local network between the LoRa Gateway and LoRa Node: XIAOESP32S3 microcontroller embedded with WIO-LoRa-E5 for Transmission, DHT11(Temperature, Humidity) and Soil capacity sensor and Tmedecation Arduino board which an educational board base on Arduino embedded with sensor such as light, Temperature and Potentiometer where we plug a Grove shield together with Lora-E5 transmission module.
- Day 4: Installation and Introduction to Node-Red that will help create a Dashboard interface to visualize sensor data collected from the Diffrent loRa Node mentioned in Day 3.
- Day 5: Installation and Introduction to Mqtt mosquitto and Ngrock, to create a public broker that will enable the visualization of the Node-Red Dashboard over the Internet using Mqtt protocols, after performing participating dive into building projects: Aquaponics system, smart green plant pot.
- Day 6: Project Presentation and showcase at the National University of Post Telecommunications Information and Technology,
This was a successful First Ranger IoT LoRaWAN workshop delivered in both French and English in Cameroon and this is a great testament to the growing interest in innovative technological solutions in the regions of Cameroon. At Seeed Studio, we are committed to continuing to support makers, Developers, and professionals on their path to innovation.
We thank everyone who participated and partners in the workshop event for its success. We look forward to organising more workshops and events, reaching more people and sharing the incredible joy of Technology with the work of Seeed Studion worldwide.
Stay tuned for our upcoming activities and keep innovating with us, Together we will go further!
Launching of the Monthly Campaign
One of the most exciting moments of the event was the announcement of the Monthly Campaign to Scale Up Your AI Gadget launched by Seeed Studio. This campaign is designed to help innovators transform their ideas into viable businesses. It offers comprehensive support from the conceptualization phase to commercialization, leveraging the expertise and resources of Seeed Studio.
We invite all attendees and the broader community to enable notifications for the program launch. We are excited to see how this program can drive new ideas and projects in the region.
It was a successful workshop!
slope game